The 2022 IFA Annual Awards Show

IFAisverypleasedtopresentitsvirtualprogrammewithsevenwebinarstotakeplacefrom16-25November2020.,OneIFA,twovenues:IFABerlin2024'smaineventtookplaceatMesseBerlin,includingIFANextashubforstartups.TheconcurrentIFAGlobalMarkets, ...,IFAVirtualMarketPla...。參考影片的文章的如下:


IFA 2020 Virtual Programme

IFA is very pleased to present its virtual programme with seven webinars to take place from 16 - 25 November 2020.

IFA Berlin

One IFA, two venues: IFA Berlin 2024's main event took place at Messe Berlin, including IFA Next as hub for startups. The concurrent IFA Global Markets, ...

IFA Berlin - Why is it worth attending the event?

IFA Virtual Market Place. If you're interested in finding out what kind of exhibitors will participate in IFA Berlin, use the IFA Virtual Market Place.


IFA BRINGS VIRTUAL MARKET PLACE TO CE WEEK 2019. Stott, Rob. Dealerscope; Philadelphia Vol. 61, Iss. 1, (Jan/Feb 2019): 26. Publisher logo.

IFA Virtual helps trade fair visitors plan for what's to come at IFA2022 ...

The new virtual B2B platform, IFA Virtual, augments the programme of events on the ground for people visiting IFA 2022 in Berlin.

Meet Tradeplace at IFA 2024 in Berlin!

We connect commerce. The renowned Tradeplace services just got better! Come and meet us at IFA to find out more about our latest innovations!

Virtual Market Place - Musterstand Stand Example

Business sector : Consumer Electronics. company bio About company : virtual market place- the online exhibitor and product search engine of ifathe virtual ...

[PDF] IFA 2009 柏林國際消費性電子展

IFA的網路平台是作商業聯繫,展前準備及與參展商安排約談的最佳工具。「網路. 商展」( Virtual Market Place) ® 幫助您輕鬆尋找潛在商業夥伴、搜尋最新消. 費電子與家電 ...

[PDF] IFA Virtual Market Place Upgrade Trends & Novelties Order Form

Use the IFA Virtual Market Place to attract attention to your product innovations at IFA 2016. Each year, more than 6,000 journalists report on the new ...

[PDF] IFA Virtual Market Place Upgrade “Digital Press Box” Order form

Email: [email protected]. Publish your press releases on the IFA Virtual Market Place and make them available to journalists all year round.


IFAisverypleasedtopresentitsvirtualprogrammewithsevenwebinarstotakeplacefrom16-25November2020.,OneIFA,twovenues:IFABerlin2024'smaineventtookplaceatMesseBerlin,includingIFANextashubforstartups.TheconcurrentIFAGlobalMarkets, ...,IFAVirtualMarketPlace.Ifyou'reinterestedinfindingoutwhatkindofexhibitorswillparticipateinIFABerlin,usetheIFAVirtualMarketPlace.,IFABRINGSVIRTUALMARKETPLACETOCEWEEK2019.S...